
New Jersey DWI Attorney Blog


New Jersey DWI Breath Testing Machine: Calibration of the Machine and Why It’s Important to Your Case

If you were arrested for a New Jersey DWI, and you submitted breath samples at the police station, your breath testing was done on a Draeger Alcotest 7110 MKIII-C machine. There are many components to a DWI arrest, and it is important to understand how each part can be challenged.…


New Jersey Refusal / DWI Sentencing Issues: Prior Refusal Conviction Does Not Enhance a Later DWI Conviction — Yet

New Jersey Refusal / DWI law is complex, but it has just been clarified by the New Jersey Supreme Court in a case called State v. Ciancaglini, decided January 19, 2011, favoring individuals who have prior Refusal convictions who then get a subsequent DWI conviction. The case also illustrates that…


New Jersey DWI Breath Testing Discovery: Digital Data Log Download

New Jersey DWI breath testing cases are complex, especially due to the new machine being used in New Jersey, the Draeger Alcotest 7110 MKIII-C. While this machine has been held to be reliable by the New Jersey courts, there are still significant issues to challenge regarding the machine and overall…


New Jersey DWI/Refusal – Did the Officer Read You the Implied Consent Warning?

In all states, including New Jersey, after a DWI arrest, a police officer must read a “standard statement” that contains a warning that the motorist must submit to breath testing when probable cause exists to believe the person is under the influence of alcohol. The implied consent form includes some…

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